Once in a Blue June: My No-Spend Month

Its happening- I am actually doing a no-spend June with the support of my blogger friend Jenna Crane of Styledjen. (See her no spend article here!) And that picture you see- that’s my last purchase of May (thank you Netaporter for including YSL in your sale!) That means no clothing, shoes or accessories (and yes accessories include handbags!). Am I worried I cannot stick to it? Definitely, shopping is in my blood. But to me this is important. I really need to readjust my shopping habits and my urge to buy something just because I saw it on Instagram. I also want to show my followers that you don’t need a new pieces to have a fabulous wardrobe. My promise throughout all of this is to be true to you guys about the struggles, the highs and the lows. Also just because I am not shopping for myself does not mean I am not going to pass on the deals to you all!


  1. Reevaluate what I need to add to my wardrobe! I always think I need something (thank you Instagram!) and then find out I have three of almost the same thing. Hopefully this month helps me see what I am missing in my wardrobe and what I don’t need to add to my wardrobe.
  2. Figure out what part of my wardrobe I actually wear! I have an extensive wardrobe and will often end up forgetting about a “fav” piece because I just bought something else and feel I need to wear it. I am hoping this month will help me streamline what I actually like in my wardrobe and encourage me to giveaway pieces I don’t reach for.
  3. Save some money! With a wedding coming up nothing wrong with saving more money then I normally do. (Plus any wedding tips? Send them my way!)